Clifton College
What is Clifton College like?
Clifton College is a co-educational boarding and day school for children aged 2-19 in the university city of Bristol. The school is located in the affluent suburb of Clifton and surrounded by parkland and next to a zoo. The school was founded in 1862, originally for boys and has accepted girls since 1987. Clifton College has always sought to provide a liberal curriculum based on the values of tolerance and open-mindedness. The school aims to encourage all pupils to achieve their potential, whether academic, creative, or sporting and to develop sound moral principles.
The sciences are particularly strong, and there is a special library section with over 3000 science titles. Results are good and there is a strong learning support department for students needing extra help or support. Clifton offers a very broad range of subjects, especially at A-level, which includes philosophy, psychology, politics, photography, sports studies, religious studies, business studies and economics. Sport is huge, with over 90 acres of sports pitches and facilities. Rugby and girls' hockey are particularly successful. However, there is something for everyone, and the location is ideal for outdoor pursuits such as climbing and D of E expeditions.
Music and Drama both enjoy a high profile at the school, which actually had the first school theatre in the UK and stages 40 productions every year.
Clifton attracts students from all over the world to what is essentially a traditional British boarding school with modern values and about 20% of the students come from outside the UK.
Would Clifton College be suitable for my child?
This is an excellent all-round day and boarding school with a broad academic profile. It offers a good blend of tradition and progressive thinking that would suit an active, curious student eager to get involved in all aspects of school life and make the most of all the opportunities on offer.
How can I apply to Clifton College?
The main entry points are at 13+ and 16+, but occasional vacancies arise in other years. Entry is subject to the school’s own entrance tests and an interview. Please contact us for further advice.
School Information