Find an Independent School
This website tries to list most of the independent (private) schools in the UK, but we do not include very small schools, colleges or nurseries.
The search engine is driven by the location you enter in the box. Schools will be returned closest to the town/city/landmark you search for. For example "Cambridge" or "London Bridge".
The search engine is driven by the words in the name of each school.
The resulting search will list schools and tell you if they are pre-preps, preps, senior schools or sixth form colleges. You can click on each school name to be presented with further details of that school, including its academic record, if any. The school may not be eligible for one of our league tables but you can compare their exam results with those in the tables to get a feel for comparability.
You can also use this website to request a prospectus directly from a school.
Should you require information about more schools please don’t be afraid to ask us for advice by completing an enquiry form or by calling us on +44 1622 813870.